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Year 3

Shark Class - Year 3   


Welcome to Shark Class!





Our curriculum map will tell you what we will cover in each subject throughout the academic year. 

Our termly Topic webs will give you more detailed information about what is being taught each term.

For more information about what we get up to in class each week, please have a look at our weekly newsletter below.

The Timetable


PE will be on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days. Any earrings will need to be removed or covered with micropore medical tape during PE lessons.




Homework will be given out on a Monday each week and should be returned by Friday. Homework will focus on consolidating the skills we have been practising during the week and there will often be a times table focus in maths. Next year, the children will take a national test to assess their times table recall so this will be of huge benefit for them.  


Please encourage your child to read at home every night and fill in their reading records when they do so. Our star readers are rewarded with class dojos. 

Other useful documents and links
