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Dymchurch Primary School

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Our Curriculum

Our Aims


At Dymchurch Primary School we aim to:


  • create an inclusive learning environment where everyone feels safe, happy and ready to learn;
  • provide a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum where every child will encounter a wide range of experiences, both within the local area and further afield;
  • have passionate staff who foster a love of learning, inquiry and resilience in order to enable our children to achieve their potential and be prepared for the next stage of their education and adult life;
  • encourage and support the development of staff and governors, in order to achieve the highest standards for all;
  • be guided by our key values: Respect, Learn, Believe, Achieve.


Please contact the school if you'd like to know anymore about the curriculum the school follows.


Our Curriculum Intent


At Dymchurch Primary School we focus on developing the whole child within a safe, inclusive and stimulating learning environment where all children can achieve their full potential and flourish both academically and socially. We have high expectations of all our pupils and endeavour to nurture their self-confidence and resilience. We want our children to become effective, independent and curious learners.


Our curriculum is carefully planned so that it is broad, balanced and builds on prior knowledge, whilst engaging the children and deepening their awareness of the world around them and their place in it. Our curriculum is topic-based as we believe learning is more meaningful when cross-curricular links are made, and each year the learning is firstly centred around locality, then moving on to the United Kingdom and then the wider world.


Communication with parents and the community is important to us; so much of our learning is shared via our newsletter and through our ‘Tapestry’ online learning journal, as well as in books. Parents, family and friends are invited in to share the children’s learning in class assemblies. Parents are also able to share home learning through ‘Tapestry’. Our topic-based approach allows children to become immersed in their learning and we ensure that through our curriculum development, skills and knowledge is built upon throughout their time at the school.
